My Brother Wants a Plain Old Boxed Birthday Cake

My brother wants a birthday cake. Thursday is my brother’s birthday. He asked me to make him a cake. In my mind, I imagine all the possibilities: genoise, swiss roll, red velvet, chiffon, devil’s food cake…and my thoughts are interrupted. “Are you listening to me?” Oops.

“Sorry, what did you say?”

“I want a box yellow cake with the chocolate icing on the Hershey’s can.” Insert scratching record sound here snapping me out of dreams of baking an amazing pound cake. He wants…American sugar. Sigh. But it is his birthday.

Now in a pinch, I’ve made boxed cakes and there isn’t anything wrong with them except you are spending an excessive amount of money for basic cooking supplies and preservatives. Not ideal, but they do make great airy cakes that last for days due to the oil preventing them to dry out. Looking at the positive side, I decided to try out my piping skills since I still have this limited range of motion in my right arm. Should be good physical therapy!

Luke was there to help “steady my hand” several times during the process. I recommend not eating at my house if you dislike animals. They always seem to find a way into things.

Happy birthday, brother. Heres is the most sugary cake known to man. I felt like a cavity was developing just making it. My brother wants a birthday cake from a box and that is what he got.

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