I have a Confession: Wax Paper Stuck to my Granola!

I have a confession: wax paper stuck to my granola! And it was totally my fault. I wish I could blame the weather like people love to do with meringues and chocolates. But it was me. In this situation, I messed up.

Sometimes, I can be lazy. I don’t need to grease and line a tin with parchment or aluminum foil, or so I thought. I get out the wax paper and line the dish thinking to myself, this will peel right off. And I baked some of the most gorgeous granola. Two pans.

Then I tried to remove the granola. It was stuck to the pan and the paper! The honey caramelized and became glue. What do I do? I tried lifting it out, the paper tore. I tried wedging a spatula, hunks of wax paper imbedded itself in the oats. My last thought was to heat it back in the oven and try to peel it off while still hot. It worked! But my fingers were very sore from peeling hot honey away from granola while scraping with a spoon. I soon had a hunk of messy granola.

So I washed the pan lined it with greased parchment paper this time around and managed to salvage it enough to give to my husband. He was happy and didn’t mind the probably melted wax as its secret ingredient. Learn from my mistake. Don’t use wax paper in baking unless the recipe calls for it. It’s not a substitute for parchment for a reason.

Also, if you want to see how to make your own granola after learning what not to do, here is a simple video tutorial. Just don’t use wax paper. Or else you will also be stating “I have a confession wax paper stuck to my granola.”

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  1. Dawn

    I just did this same thing!! Thank you! Thank you! I was able to put it back in the oven to soften it up and peel it off the wax paper. Salvaged!! YAY!

    • Jackson

      You are very welcome, Dawn! It’s always wonderful when you can salvage food you thought was lost. 🙂

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