Time for some fun with bread making. Let’s braid bread and see what happens! After creating many recipes, I decided to use this easy hamburger bun recipe and make a braided garlic bread. The reason I chose this bread is because it is soft, tender and yet holds up well. It’s a fabulous recipe to practice all kinds of new things with like this new idea. And if you go into the process expecting some wonky results, you’ll have loads of fun learning how to make braided loaves.
After watching The Great British Baking Show for perhaps the hundredth time this year, I decided to try to do a neat braid I saw on one of the episodes. They used cinnamon, marzipan, nuts and other spices, but I was curious how it would work for a savory bread. Since we were having spaghetti, I decided to make up a batch of garlic and herbs and spread on a couple tablespoons of softened butter.
How about you try now that you see it’s not always perfect your first try? Learn this fun experience with me. So, try any flavor you like in the center. I used 2 tbs of butter, 1 teaspoon of Italian herb blend and 1 tablespoon of minced garlic. Perhaps you’d like to go traditional with a cinnamon roll flavor? However you try to braid bread, be sure to have some fun with it. Baking is all about learning new and exciting things. Some dedicate their lives to bread making once they find their passion.
Started out with well risen dough. Placed it on a floured surface. The dimension was 10″ x 24″ Mixed up some garlic and herbs. Dolloped on some butter. Spread it out evenly. Roll it up slowly. It’s a lot like a cinnamon roll! Keep rolling until the end! Lift it up to relax the bread and allow it to shrink. Cut down the middle, but leave the very end attached by 1/2″ or so. Still attached on this end! Move it over. Looks like hair! Start braiding, filling side facing up. Over and under. Like this: Maybe looking at this angle will help? At the end, finally! Tuck in the bottom. Hmmmm….Doesn’t quite fit so squish ends together… Kind of looks like a ring. Needs a little work, but not bad for first try! It was absolutely delicious.