A Beginners Guide: Easily Hull a Strawberry

Has anyone taught you the basics of baking? Simple ideas like how to easily hull a strawberry? Me either. These types of things are what I wish I was taught more as a kid. But alas, when you grow up with very little, not a lot can be taught.

Still, I would have been a much better baker long ago if I’d picked up more skills early on. No time like the present to learn, though, and it keeps the mind sharp! Just like this knife.

Speaking of knives, a bit of safety. Never work with a dull knife. You put a lot more pressure on the food and are a greater risk of cutting yourself.

Also, cut away from you. Due to a condition that lead to a permanent disability in my right arm, you can see I’m cutting toward me. This is the only way I can maneuver a knife now. I don’t recommend it. This is the time I should have asked for a helper. But we learn hindsight often times like I did reviewing these photos.

In the meantime, hulling a strawberry is quite easy. You start by cutting around the top where the green ends. Only cut into the center where the stem meets. You will fill some give. And then you can just pop out the center. It will take a few tries to get it. Look at the photos to get a bit of an understanding.

Now that you have learned how to easily hull a strawberry, you are ready to make some Sunny Strawberry Buttercream. Happy baking!

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