Bloggers Don’t Always Tell the Truth About Recipes

For the fear that they may lose followers, bloggers don’t always tell the truth about recipes. Feeling pressure to gain more viewers for monetary reasons or just plain vanity, authors often feel the need to post their best work. And it is actually quite understandable. People want to see gorgeous desserts and have the assurance they can make macarons just as easily. I sure did!

But reality soon sets in when the home baker becomes disparaged that they didn’t get the same results. The show stopper sweets posted on Suzie’s Bakery looks more like something they dropped on the floor and the cat batted about. After trying a recipe several times, they give up altogether. Therefore, I wonder how much potential is lost to the dishonesty of those teaching us.

When I first began baking again with my mangled hand and followed recipes promising professional results in 3 easy steps, I was let down when mine looked terrible. Some times I would try and try for days at a time and still not get anywhere close to the photos I’d see online.

I still get down when I’d try to troubleshoot. You just don’t find many resources out there that help you correct your mistakes. Instead, you’ll often find the blogger saying how they are easy to make. Further, they will state if you failed, it’s your fault. It’s as if the blogger has forgotten everyone starts from scratch so to speak. That’s not how teaching works.

This is how the idea to blog about the truth begins. What if I shared my recipes or attempts at new ones with others and posted real results no matter what happened? Could I be that brave? Would anyone really want to listen? Or would they expect perfect posts, perfect photos, perfect results? Only time will tell. All I know is that I am having a blast finding an outlet for my confectionary confessions. And as I continue throughout the years, I hope I always tell the truth about recipes.

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